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Tapping your Talking Head®  provides "voice" to all the apps you like. This app is one Google® Hangouts®. It's just a demonstration. There are way more features than this. There are a great deal more apps you can add. You alone have the power to choose the apps.

Imagine having interactive phone numbers and messages using all the apps you like, interacting on all the applications.

However, people remain free to choose apps they like to add the "voice" app for phone calling and electronic sending messages/mail uisng all the apps they like.

So you're adding "voice" apps for making phone calls and sending messages on all the web site applications, search page sites. banners, ads, email, calendar sites and other applications.


Talking Head®
1.  Right click on the Talking Head® to display your menu.
2.  Copy and paste the link into your Chrome browser address field! 
This will all become ProgramMatic when you get the actual Talking Head®  beta version.

Try our alpha versions of other features:


Starter, basic versions accesses many of the apps you like turning apps into "voice" apps using interactive phone numbers. Easily change your app's phone calling and electronic mail/message default settings. 


You're in control! Add all the apps you like.

Your Talking Head® app can get access to all the apps using your Talking Head Helper app.


 Talking Head Helper®

Version 7 Series
version 7.3
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